2021 Adult
- Alan Moores-Seeds Of Hope | $675 | 20″ x 16″
- Alan Moores-Weathering The Storm | $375 | 12″ x 10″
- Amy Justen-Lana Ka Manaʻo (Hope) | $2,000 | 16.5″ x 20.5″ Juror’s Choice Award
- Annamarie-Sheehan-ʻAmaʻu | SOLD | 16″ x 20″
- B H Freeland-ʻŌhiʻa Lehua Renewal | $2,850 | 28″ x 13″
- Bailey Onaga-Koa Bug | $350 | 17″ x 14″ SOLD
- Barclay Hill-Heʻe | $900 | 1″ x 1″ x 1″
- Becky Lewis-Pueo Taking Off | $2,500 | 18″ x 20″ x14″
- Beth Cooper-Abstract Slices of Life from the Depths to the Heights | $1,450 | 14″ x 7″ x 7″
- Bev Lundquist-ʻOhe Mauka, Auwahi | nfs | 70″ x 42″
- Brian Kimmel-Through the Scope | $1,300 | 13″ x 14″ Juror’s Honorable Mention Award
- Bryan Berkowitz-Untitled | SOLD | 24″ x 42″
- Caroline Killhour-Aeʻo Hawaiian Stilt | $2,400 | 27.5″ x 57″
- Clifford Snyder-ʻIʻiwi (I was looking for you) | $750 | 23″ x 18″
- Deb Lynch-Pterodrama sandwichensis – ʻUaʻu Blinded By The Light | $1,200 | 45″ x 22″
- Debbie Brown-At Home In Aloha ʻĀina | $600 | 12″ x 8″ x 7″
- Debbie vonTempsky-Hinano Hala | SOLD | 13.5″ x 11.5″
- Edwin Bartholomew-Ringed Sap-Sucking Sea Slug;Posterior View | $500 | 9″ x 11″
- Eleykaa Tully-ʻApapane On ʻŌhiʻa | $385 | 7″ x 5″
- Eleykaa Tully-ʻIʻiwi on Māmane | $385 | 7″x 5″
- Elizabeth Keller-Nēnē Crossing | $900 | 28″ x 21″
- Frank B. Shaner-Song Of The Forest | $3,200 | 49.5″ x 25.5″
- Gwen Arkin-Forgive | SOLD | 13″ x 13″
- Gwen Arkin-Stories Of Waiheʻe | $525 | (4″ x 4″) x 6″
- Gwen Arkin-Subtidal | SOLD | 12″ x 9″ Juror’s Choice Award
- Honey Bun Haynes-Hapuʻu | $450 | 16″ x 18″
- Husa Adams – Allies | $825 | 13″ x 13″
- Jackie Johnston-Standing Tall | SOLD | 19.5″x x19.5″
- Jeanna Thacker-The Day Awakens | $295 | 16″ x 24″ Juror’s Honorable Mention Award
- Jeanna Thacker-The Stillness Of Morning | $875 | 31″ x 43″
- Jenna Szerlag-Curious Day Octopus | $850 | 20″ x 30″
- Jenna Szerlag-Juvenile Hawaiian Dascyllus | $75 | 8″ x 12″
- Jill LaBram-The Comeback | $125 | 11″ x 14″
- Joanne Hopper-ʻŌhiʻa Windfall | $870 | 15ʻ”x 18″
- Joyce Jeffers-Catch Me | $400 | 2″ x 5″ x 5″
- Judy Bisgard-A Tangle Of Moa | $1,300 | 19″ x 19″
- Judy Bisgard-Hala Uli | $1,600 | 32″ x 31″
- Kalea Raymond-Lū Lehua | $300 | 27″ x 18″
- Karen Winslow-Velvety Hāhā | $325 | 22.5″ x 18.5″
- Artwork by Katherine Ayers titled Maʻo
- Kathleen Baldwin-Blossom Of The Māmane Tree | $450 | 12.5″ x 11″
- Ladini Conder-Wawaʻu | $2,100 | 24″x 46″
- Laurie Davenport-Hope For Future | $7,100 | 28″ x 22″
- Lawrence Berko-Endemics- Invasives, Donʻt Shread On Them | $8,000 | 50″ x 25.5″
- Maggie T. Sutrov-Return To Auwahi | $1,400 | 21.5″ x 17.5″ Conservation at Work Award
- Marcus Richter-Naupaka The Beautiful | $75 | 8 ” x 12″
- Marcus Richter-Sunset Lehua | $75 | 8″ x 12″
- Noble Richardson-Endemic Luke | nfs | 33″ x 45″
- Noryne Hiromoto-1907 Molokai | $1,850 | 2″ x 1.5″ x 9″
- P.E. Laws-Before I Am Gone | SOLD| 9″ x 14″ x 10″
- Pamela-schulz-Kaunaʻoa-Kahakai | $400 | 14.5″ x 17″
- Pat Bily-Hao Reborn As Heʻe | $800 | 13″ x 15″ x 12″
- Patte Goff-Williams-Roseʻs Place | $500 | 17″ x 13″
- Robert Lyn Nelson-ʻIʻiwi | $3,600 | 15″ x 19″
- Robin Curammeng-Some Moa Please! | $100 | 10″ x 6″ x 4″ SOLD
- Sarah Metz-Ka Mele o Nā Iwi Manu | SOLD | 3″ x 20″ x 20″ Rarest Find Award
- Susanna L. Cromwell-Kou – Cordia subcordata | $7,800 | 40″ x 50″
- Susie Lewis-Ascending | $1,600 | 18.5″ x 15.5″
- Susie Lewis-Sunrise Silverswords | $2,000 | 17.5″ x 23″
- Tracy Dudley-She Soars | $1,150 | 13.5″ x 13.5″
- Uʻilani Nahoolewa-Harmonizing | $1,200 | 18″ x 22″
- William Spence-Kanaha Pond | $300 | 19.5″ x 20.5″
- Zach Pezzillo-Greensword | SOLD| 24″ x 18″
- Zach Pezzillo-Hanawī | SOLD | 22.5″ x 30.5″ Conservation Professional Award
- Zach Pezzillo-Kanaloa | SOLD | 20″ x 15″
2021 High School
- Adeline Steinzig-Contrasting Tides | $300 | (11.5″ x 9.5″) x 3″
- Adeline Steinzig-In The Lineup Looking Down | $600 | 88″ x 22″ x 3″
- Geneva Phillips-Violet | SOLD | 15″ x 12″
- Jaymark Ancheta-Creases | SOLD| 14″ x 17″
- Jaymark Ancheta-In Da Sun! | $40 | 9.5″ x 11.5″
- Jesscelia Kekahuna-Purple Spots | $40 | 11″ x 13″
- Kalena Torres-Estores-The Ladder | $60 | 14″ x 17″
- Karisse Imai-Hirata-The Love For Nature | $45 | 9.5″ x 11.5″
- Lester Corpuz-Blooming Mellows | $40 | 9.5″ x 11.5″
- Liana Ferreira-The Sacred Honu | SOLD | 35″ x 11″ x 13″
- Maddison McAlinden-Blooming Love | SOLD | 14″ x 18″ Juror’s Choice Award
- Matthew Takakura-Kumu Gyotaku | nfs | 14″ x 18″
- Matthew Takakura-ʻŌmilu Gyotaku | $2,000 | 26″ x 38″
- Ragni Zecena Escobar-Happy Face Spider On Web | $100 | 12.5″ x 15.5″
- Tanya Kari-Hawaiian Hawksbill | $55 | 8″ x 10″
- Tanya Kari-Moa-Nalu | $55 | 13″ x 10″
- Tanya Kari-ʻUʻau Coming Home | SOLD | 15.5″ x 12.5″
2021 Middle School
- Ari Villaire-ʻĀkohekohe On ʻŌhiʻa Lehua | nfs | 11″ x 9″
- Ayse Probst-Humuhumunukunukuapuʻa | nfs | 9.5″ x 11.5″
- Beatrice Jongeneelen-Stilt On Water | $75 | 15″ x 12″
- Christian Urias-Monk Seal By The Sea | $75 | 13.5″ x 16.5″
- Grace Ross-The Confined Crow | nfs | 20.5″ x 16″
- Jaʻel Kiggens-ʻApapane on Yellow ʻOhiʻa Lehua Blossom | nfs | 11″ x 9″
- Kate Dowd-One Of Five | $125 | 10″ x 12″ SOLD
- Kaysjah Tabon-Timbol-Gardenia Garden | nfs | 13.5″ x 16.5″
- Luke Mounts-ʻIo | $ 120 | 9″ x 9″
- Makana Kuon-Mālama Ka Lokahi | $150 | 14″ x 17″ Juror’s Choice Award
- Nikki Kayes-The Kiwikiu | nfs | 10″ x 12″
- Olivia Aoki-Kiwikiu Value Study | SOLD | 10″ x 12″
- Pumat Durso-ʻĀkohekohe (Palmeria dolei) | nfs | 12.5″ x 10.5″
2021 Elementary School
- Alexander Perry-ʻŌpeʻapeʻa On A Starry Night | nfs | 8″ x 10″
- Ali Taghari-Watching In The Night | $50 | 9″ x 11″
- Astrid Brass-Aeʻo Landing | nfs | 13″ x 10″
- Astrid Brass-Walking On Water | $100 | 11″ x 14″
- Bianca Brass – ʻOʻopu Swimming Upstream | nfs | 10″ x 13″ Jurorʻs Choice Award
- Bryce Cunningham-The Hawk Shell | nfs | 11″ x 13″
- Chance Ridao-The Cleansed World | $100 | 14″ x 17″
- Finn Rothman-Nēnē Goo | $40 | 9″ x 11″
- Goma Devi Mella-Reiss-Kula Twilight | $250 | 14.5″ x 18.5″
- Hana Langston-The Butterfly Fish | $200 | 13.5″ x 16.5″
- Hana Slentz-Silversword Landscape | $50 | 10.5″ x 10″ SOLD
- Kamana Teʻa Shimabukuro-Boardwalk | SOLD | 9″ x 11″
- Kian Semmerling-Birdie On A Stick | SOLD | 6″ x 8″
- Kuʻuleialoha Howarth-Nananana Makakiʻi | nfs | 21″ x 17″
- Lucia Sucher-Shadow Of ʻAlalā | $50 | 6″ x 8″
- Luke H. K. Tanaka-Hīhīwai Heroes | nfs | 24″ x 36″
- Meiko Kurokawa-The ʻŌpeʻapeʻa In The Forest | $40 | 16″ x 12″
- Mila Beamer-The Beautiful Kamehameha Butterfly | SOLD | 12″ x 16″
- Minami Celata-Māmane | $1,000 | 8″ x 10″
- Naia Rothman-Birdsong | SOLD | 9″ x 11″
- Nyla Richardson-Warm Blossoms | SOLD | 10″ x 12″
- Olivia Wada-ʻIʻiwi | nfs | 8″ x 10″
- Oriana Jones-ʻIʻiwi with Māmane | $88 | 18″ x 16″ SOLD
- Tela Semmerling-Free In The Wild | SOLD | 11″ x 9″
- Theo Carmichael-Watanabe-Aeʻo | nfs | 11″ x 8.5″
- Vasi Shelkovaya-Colorful Fish | nfs | 11″ x 14″
- Zeya Owen-The Resting Pinao | $40 | 6″ x 8″
- Olivia Aoki-Kiwikiu Value Study | SOLD | 10″ x 12″